Подозрения на шатдаун в городе Экибастуз

01.11.2021 с примерно 15:45 до 19:00 не было проводного интернета на провайдре Казахтелеком, мобильная связи вообще не было, на операторах Activ, Tele2.
Сегодня должен был приехать президент К. Токаев в Экибастуз(не смог найти в СМИ ссылки), отсюда и подозрения на шатдаун.

I looked at the IODA dashboard for the past day.

For all of Kazakhstan I do not see anything significant during the times you mentioned. There is a temporary decrease in the Active Probing signal, but it is at a different time, approximately 2021-10-31 22:00 ALMT and lasting about 1 hour.

The graph for Pavlodar region looks similar.

By clicking through the list of possible AS outages, I find AS 61367, which has a decrease in the BGP signal that approximately matches the times you gave: 2021-11-01 from 11:00 to 19:00 ALMT.

Вы связывались с операторами, что говорит их служба поддержки?

OONI and Mozilla made a post about detecting shutdowns using gaps in Firefox telemetry. (There was also an Internet Measurement Village 2020 talk on this topic.) The report covers outages in Myanmar, Uganda, Belarus, and Iran. The Firefox telemetry is not public data, but you could maybe ask OONI about Kazakhstan.