220228 11:32:24.243 [INFO][6563..init(with:)] Log started, build: 6.8.78e0d29f 220228 11:32:24.249 [INFO][6563.Tunnel.startTunnel] Tunnel started with options: [:] 220228 11:32:24.250 [INFO][6563.Tunnel.startTunnel] Configuration age: 96.6 minutes 220228 11:32:24.251 [INFO][6563.ResolverRuleList.temporalFallbackEnabled] enabled: false 220228 11:32:24.251 [INFO][6563.DNSLogManager.dnsLogEnabled] log DNS queries: false 220228 11:32:24.252 [INFO][6563.LogExtension.configurationInfo] App version: 6.8 (2201281922.1) - Registration ID: 7ee29318-5dc4-4c52-89e2-81cdddd9505c - Client public key: 87367ffd989947fa67d15e09c6b2f136b98349b1a9a904817f01d715966a5f4f - Warp: true - DNS Protocol: dot - NXDomain Fallback: ConfigManageableItem(value: false, locked: false, visible: true) - Log DNS queries: false 220228 11:32:24.254 [INFO][6563.Tunnel.waitForPathSatisfied] waiting for path to become satisfied 220228 11:32:24.490 [INFO][6563.Tunnel.waitForPathSatisfied] path updated ... 220228 11:32:24.490 [INFO][6563.Tunnel.updateSettingsAndConnect] path is satisfied 220228 11:32:24.491 [INFO][6563.Tunnel.updateNetwork] Default path: status = satisfied reasonCode = 0 reason = Path is satisfied isViable = NO isExpensive = YES isConstrained = NO clientID = FCCA6D39-24F4-4733-AC2C-7D74B0FAB14A interfaceType = cellular mtu = 1450 maximumDatagramSize = 1390 secondsSinceInterfaceChange = 71 interfaceOption = pdp_ip0 : C0A42907-B83D-4949-A6F3-17F25BE064A8 interface = { type = cellular subtype = other interfaceName = pdp_ip0 interfaceIndex = 7 generation = 1867 mtu = 1450 ipv4Netmask = { } supportsMulticast = YES ipv4Routable = YES expensive = YES } scopedInterface = { type = cellular subtype = other interfaceName = pdp_ip0 interfaceIndex = 7 generation = 0 mtu = 1450 supportsMulticast = YES expensive = YES } dnsServers = ( { }, { }, ) resolvers = [0 - Default Direct DNS53 servers = [ ] domains = [ ]] dnsSearchDomains = ( ) gateways = ( { }, ) agents = ( { domain = Persistent type = Persistent UUID = 570FCB9D-2C3C-48C1-A2D3-8BC7AF32BA8C description = Persistent interface guidance isActive = YES isUserActivated = NO isVoluntary = NO }, { domain = Cellular type = Internet UUID = 709D878D-F74F-4E96-BC85-A44C37D91D9E description = CommCenter: Internet.0 isActive = YES isUserActivated = YES isVoluntary = YES isNetworkProvider = YES }, { domain = SystemConfig type = DNSAgent UUID = 1CBC3268-9AA4-1C4E-D347-79120616228E description = DNSAgent-@pdp_ip0 isActive = YES isUserActivated = YES isVoluntary = NO }, { domain = Skywalk type = FlowSwitch UUID = C0A42907-B83D-4949-A6F3-17F25BE064A8 description = Userspace Networking isActive = YES isUserActivated = NO isVoluntary = NO isNexusProvider = YES }, ) supportsIPv4 = YES supportsIPv6 = NO supportsDNS = YES hasProxySettings = NO 220228 11:32:24.491 [INFO][6563.NetworkInfo.collectNetworkInfo] HTTP Proxy enabled: false 220228 11:32:24.491 [INFO][6563.NetworkInfo.detectCaptivePortal] Skipping captive portal test on cellular 220228 11:32:24.491 [INFO][6563.NetworkInfo.collectNetworkInfo] Captive portal status (1st attempt): ok 220228 11:32:24.491 [INFO][6563.NetworkInfo.collectNetworkInfo] IPv4 supported: true; IPv6 supported: false 220228 11:32:24.523 [INFO][6563.NetworkInfo.collectNetworkInfo] NAT64 prefix to use: ; Error: nil 220228 11:32:24.523 [INFO][6563.TunnelSettings.includedIPv4RangesTeams] [] 220228 11:32:24.523 [INFO][6563.TunnelSettings.includedIPv4RangesTeams] [] 220228 11:32:24.524 [INFO][6563.TunnelSettings.includedIPv6RangesTeams] [] 220228 11:32:24.524 [INFO][6563.TunnelSettings.includedIPv6RangesTeams] [] 220228 11:32:24.524 [INFO][6563.TunnelSettings.includedIPv4RangesTeams] [] 220228 11:32:24.524 [INFO][6563.TunnelSettings.includedIPv4RangesTeams] [] 220228 11:32:24.529 [INFO][6563.LogExtension.networkInfo] Cellular: [Beeline, MCC: 250, MNC: 99, Mobile TeleSystems, MCC: 250, MNC: 01] - WiFi: [] - NAT64: false - DNS search domains: [] - Path DNS servers: ["", ""] 220228 11:32:24.529 [INFO][6563.Tunnel.updateNetwork] network settings created: { tunnelRemoteAddress = ::1 DNSSettings = { protocol = cleartext server = (,, 2001:db8:1111::2, 2001:db8:1111::3, ) matchDomains = ( , ) matchDomainsNoSearch = NO } IPv4Settings = { configMethod = PPP addresses = (, ) subnetMasks = (, ) includedRoutes = ( { destinationAddress = destinationSubnetMask = }, ) excludedRoutes = ( { destinationAddress = destinationSubnetMask = }, { destinationAddress = destinationSubnetMask = }, { destinationAddress = destinationSubnetMask = }, { destinationAddress = destinationSubnetMask = }, { destinationAddress = destinationSubnetMask = }, { destinationAddress = destinationSubnetMask = }, { destinationAddress = destinationSubnetMask = }, { destinationAddress = destinationSubnetMask = }, { destinationAddress = destinationSubnetMask = }, { destinationAddress = destinationSubnetMask = }, ) overridePrimary = NO } IPv6Settings = { configMethod = automatic addresses = ( fd01:5ca1:ab1e:86f8:26ac:51b:a824:6910, ) networkPrefixLengths = ( 120, ) includedRoutes = ( { destinationAddress = :: destinationNetworkPrefixLength = 0 }, ) excludedRoutes = ( { destinationAddress = fd01:5ca1:ab1e:86f8:26ac:51b:a824:6910 destinationNetworkPrefixLength = 128 }, { destinationAddress = fe80:: destinationNetworkPrefixLength = 10 }, { destinationAddress = fd00:: destinationNetworkPrefixLength = 8 }, { destinationAddress = ff01:: destinationNetworkPrefixLength = 16 }, { destinationAddress = ff02:: destinationNetworkPrefixLength = 16 }, { destinationAddress = ff03:: destinationNetworkPrefixLength = 16 }, { destinationAddress = ff04:: destinationNetworkPrefixLength = 16 }, { destinationAddress = ff05:: destinationNetworkPrefixLength = 16 }, ) } MTU = 1280 } 220228 11:32:24.622 [INFO][6563.Tunnel.updateNetwork] settings successfully applied 220228 11:32:24.623 [INFO][6563.DNS.dnsOverTlsResolvers] DNS over TLS; ["", ""] 220228 11:32:24.623 [INFO][6563.DNS.updateResolvers] Path DNS; ["", ""] 220228 11:32:24.623 [INFO][6563.DNS.updateResolvers] dnsProtocol: dot, pathDns: ["", ""], ipv4: true, ipv6: false, warpEnabled: true, dns64Detected: false 220228 11:32:24.623 [INFO][6563.Tunnel.warpConnect] Warp: connecting 220228 11:32:24.630 [INFO][6563.LogExtension.networkInfo] Cellular: [Mobile TeleSystems, MCC: 250, MNC: 01, Beeline, MCC: 250, MNC: 99] - WiFi: [] - Path DNS servers: ["", ""] 220228 11:32:24.630 [INFO][6563.WarpLegacyUDPSession.happyEyeballs] Warp: happy eyeballs sessions created 220228 11:32:24.630 [INFO][6563.WarpLegacyUDPSession.happyEyeballs] Warp: happy eyeballs racer registered for IPv6 220228 11:32:24.631 [INFO][6563.WarpLegacyUDPSession.happyEyeballs] Warp: happy eyeballs racer registered for IPv4 220228 11:32:24.631 [INFO][6563.WarpLegacyUDPSession.happyEyeballs] Warp: happy eyeballs for IPv4 state changed to: UDPSessionStateReady (The session is ready for reading and writing data)) 220228 11:32:24.632 [INFO][6563.WarpLegacyUDPSession.happyEyeballs] Warp: happy eyeballs for IPv4 - is viable 220228 11:32:24.632 [INFO][6563.WarpLegacyUDPSession.happyEyeballs] Path - status: satisfied, expensive: true, ipv4: true, ipv6: false 220228 11:32:24.632 [INFO][6563.WarpLegacyUDPSession.happyEyeballs] Warp: happy eyeballs for IPv6 state changed to: UDPSessionStateWaiting (The session is waiting for better conditions before attempting to make the session ready)) 220228 11:32:24.632 [INFO][6563.WarpLegacyUDPSession.happyEyeballs] Warp: happy eyeballs for IPv6 state changed to: UDPSessionStateFailed (None of the currently resolved endpoints can be used at this time, either due to problems with the path or the client rejecting the endpoints)) 220228 11:32:24.632 [INFO][6563.Warp.log_func] BoringTun: Sending handshake_initiation 220228 11:32:24.633 [INFO][6563.WarpLegacyUDPSession.happyEyeballs] Warp: happy eyeballs for IPv4 - send OK 220228 11:32:26.784 [INFO][6563.Warp.log_func] BoringTun: Sending handshake_initiation 220228 11:32:26.785 [INFO][6563.WarpLegacyUDPSession.happyEyeballs] Warp: happy eyeballs for IPv4 - send OK 220228 11:32:27.905 [INFO][6563.Warp.log_func] BoringTun: Sending handshake_initiation 220228 11:32:27.905 [INFO][6563.WarpLegacyUDPSession.happyEyeballs] Warp: happy eyeballs for IPv4 - send OK 220228 11:32:29.024 [INFO][6563.WarpLegacyUDPSession.happyEyeballs] Warp: happy eyeballs race did not complete in the alloted time 220228 11:32:29.025 [ERROR][6563.WarpLegacyUDPSession.happyEyeballs] Warp: happy eyeballs for IPv4 - read failed: Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=89 "Operation canceled" (code 89) 220228 11:32:29.025 [ERROR][6563.Tunnel.warpConnect] Warp: No handshake response, retrying: _1dot1dot1dot_worker.TunnelError.noHandshakeResponse (code 21)