"лаг" при старте ТОР + webtunnel

Dec 04 17:40:59.000 [notice] Bootstrapped 0% (starting): Starting
Dec 04 17:41:01.000 [notice] Starting with guard context "bridges"
Dec 04 17:41:01.000 [notice] Delaying directory fetches: No running bridges

ждет 5 минут. никак ошибок. только

Dec 04 17:41:02.000 [notice] Bridge 'bauruine' has both an IPv4 and an IPv6 address.  Will prefer using its IPv6 address ([2001:db8:3ee1:73f3:908a:499:5c6f:ecf9]:443) based on ClientPreferIPv6ORPort.
Dec 04 17:41:02.000 [notice] new bridge descriptor 'bauruine' (cached): $78F3FED4FC8D8111B6C1F18660D2A79FA65DD7A4~bauruine [zYBTkmyJfrBR5x3wQ6nJ1R628YuI6FAAbFdI3+Hhcgk] at and [2001:db8:3ee1:73f3:908a:499:5c6f:ecf9]
Dec 04 17:41:02.000 [notice] Bridge 'bauruine' has both an IPv4 and an IPv6 address.  Will prefer using its IPv6 address ([2001:db8:e80a:7d8e:8814:3b1b:1fdd:23ec]:443) based on ClientPreferIPv6ORPort.
Dec 04 17:41:02.000 [notice] new bridge descriptor 'bauruine' (cached): $89C890285B8973D3A2156E15346B50FC185C814D~bauruine [fjiBwoh7P1oAtDsVwn9qsyQm8jHIQtMsloVqDCip+FY] at and [2001:db8:e80a:7d8e:8814:3b1b:1fdd:23ec]
Dec 04 17:41:02.000 [notice] Bridge 'bauruine' has both an IPv4 and an IPv6 address.  Will prefer using its IPv6 address ([2001:db8:c744:83a9:b870:eb3a:947b:9be8]:443) based on ClientPreferIPv6ORPort.
Dec 04 17:41:02.000 [notice] new bridge descriptor 'bauruine' (cached): $D8B44D31E5719552DB634F58A0A4C96187FA5EF4~bauruine [0gpNC2TZLBrdxB2+HRTzgphwyMLcWounLcVLZU2PlzI] at and [2001:db8:c744:83a9:b870:eb3a:947b:9be8]
Dec 04 17:41:02.000 [notice] Bridge 'WTBrKIMZDqPdvL' has both an IPv4 and an IPv6 address.  Will prefer using its IPv6 address ([2001:db8:7567:150e:f9a3:aa9b:b780:b8c8]:443) based on ClientPreferIPv6ORPort.
Dec 04 17:41:02.000 [notice] new bridge descriptor 'WTBrKIMZDqPdvL' (cached): $EA1BADD195B10F51E14A3A23444615F5F45CE9E0~WTBrKIMZDqPdvL [eeXCs34wYhks184U3E7yL+nsLzAe3wOrvFC3NPc2+Pc] at and [2001:db8:7567:150e:f9a3:aa9b:b780:b8c8]
Dec 04 17:41:02.000 [notice] Bridge 'bauruine' has both an IPv4 and an IPv6 address.  Will prefer using its IPv6 address ([2001:db8:4899:f684:dbda:642b:5e8a:a6e4]:443) based on ClientPreferIPv6ORPort.
Dec 04 17:41:02.000 [notice] new bridge descriptor 'bauruine' (cached): $F3F70408FE554DD9150EAD04CB515D692DDE0395~bauruine [tNyzyN5nNxadEFMbsEKJ7OsZ2mLUEZt13tfQYLtBOEU] at and [2001:db8:4899:f684:dbda:642b:5e8a:a6e4]

**Dec 04 17:46:13.000 [notice] Tor is no longer dormant.**

Dec 04 17:46:13.000 [notice] Bridge 'bauruine' has both an IPv4 and an IPv6 address.  Will prefer using its IPv6 address ([2001:db8:4899:f684:dbda:642b:5e8a:a6e4]:443) based on ClientPreferIPv6ORPort.
Dec 04 17:46:13.000 [notice] Bridge 'bauruine' has both an IPv4 and an IPv6 address.  Will prefer using its IPv6 address ([2001:db8:e80a:7d8e:8814:3b1b:1fdd:23ec]:443) based on ClientPreferIPv6ORPort.
Dec 04 17:46:13.000 [notice] Bridge 'bauruine' has both an IPv4 and an IPv6 address.  Will prefer using its IPv6 address ([2001:db8:c744:83a9:b870:eb3a:947b:9be8]:443) based on ClientPreferIPv6ORPort.
Dec 04 17:46:13.000 [notice] Bridge 'WTBrKIMZDqPdvL' has both an IPv4 and an IPv6 address.  Will prefer using its IPv6 address ([2001:db8:7567:150e:f9a3:aa9b:b780:b8c8]:443) based on ClientPreferIPv6ORPort.
Dec 04 17:46:13.000 [notice] Bridge 'bauruine' has both an IPv4 and an IPv6 address.  Will prefer using its IPv6 address ([2001:db8:3ee1:73f3:908a:499:5c6f:ecf9]:443) based on ClientPreferIPv6ORPort.

Dec 04 17:46:13.000 [notice] Bootstrapped 1% (conn_pt): Connecting to pluggable transport
Dec 04 17:46:13.000 [notice] Bootstrapped 2% (conn_done_pt): Connected to pluggable transport
Dec 04 17:46:14.000 [notice] Bootstrapped 10% (conn_done): Connected to a relay
Dec 04 17:46:14.000 [notice] Bootstrapped 14% (handshake): Handshaking with a relay
Dec 04 17:46:14.000 [notice] Bootstrapped 15% (handshake_done): Handshake with a relay done
Dec 04 17:46:14.000 [notice] Bootstrapped 75% (enough_dirinfo): Loaded enough directory info to build circuits
Dec 04 17:46:14.000 [notice] Bootstrapped 95% (circuit_create): Establishing a Tor circuit
Dec 04 17:46:17.000 [notice] Bootstrapped 100% (done): Done

I think there is a longstanding bug in tor that sometimes causes it to get stalled during bootstrap with “No running bridges.” I have seen it with Snowflake too. One thing to try is deleting the state file in the datadir.

Some references: