Hello everyone, I am the author of "chonglang notebook er"

This series mainly talks about some methods to bypass GFW, but not only these. It’s just that it has not been completed yet. Can I publish this series of articles here?
Here is the reprint link that has been published


冲浪小本本儿(一)(1-1) byedpi/zapret/spoofdpi

冲浪小本本儿(二)---- http-https-ECH 最广泛、最真实、最管用的互联网隐私保护[1]— 简单说两句http;查看http报文;HTTP的TCP握手;OSI模型下的HTTP

冲浪小本本儿(二)(2-1)---- http-https-ECH 最广泛、最真实、最管用的互联网隐私保护[2]— 简单说两句https;非常重要的自签证书;后量子加密

冲浪小本本儿 (二)(2-2)----http-https-ECH 最广泛、最真实、最管用的互联网隐私保护[3]— ECH详谈;什么是DNS HTTPS类型记录;查看dns type HTTPS (type 65)记录获得ECH参数(echconfig);客户端如何获得EchConfig;浏览器访问网站完整流程;通过wrieshark 抓包 ECH;降级HTTP3到HTTP2;关于ECH的特征

冲浪小本本儿 (二)(2-3)----伊友闹得欢,rprx拉清单,小圈子大新闻始末

冲浪小本本儿 (七) — 如何处理dns污染;低延迟但被污染的dns、高延迟但正确的dns怎么选?域名分流;doh本身被封了怎么办

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Glad to see them finally have an independent website for surfing, and you arranged them in one post.

Get them translated first.

Sorry, due to the article itself and time constraints, I don’t really want to translate it. I will try if I have the chance.