Need help setting/testing protocol on a VPS

hello world?

i don’t know if this is the correct category

got a VPS
can’t determine if the protocols not working because i messed something up or because the gov blocked 'em

i know for a fact that egypt employee DPI, rendering protocols like wireguard, openVPN nonfunctional

i alse know that software such as cloak, GoodbyeDPI exist … but again i don’t trust my ability to employ them

i want to test v2ray/xray/trojan/hysteria/shadowsocks-rust port/REALITY

i just found out about this ecosystem of proxies, so i’m kinda clueless as every tutorial is in mandarin or russian both of which are beautiful language which i’m not fluent at and me being bad at networking is not helping either

i would appreciate it if anyone can send any material to supplement my reading with that explain the workings

Check here, works just fine: