Manwithbox, Who told you "Никакой криминализации впн в Китае нет. Знаю из первых уст. Там вся страна на впн сидит, его даже легально продают."

Yes, if it’s not a direct insult

We do have cases where people had been fined exorbitant sums and jailed (?) for criticizing the regime or Putin and his actions. Nowadays we have “fake news about the Russian army” cases that people get jailed for

@xijinping , is it difficult to move from mainland to HK for simple chinese?

Yes, it is difficult, not just in terms of money.
China has a system called hukou Hukou - Wikipedia, which is similar to the Soviet Union’s Propiska, “that serfs stayed in the fields where they belonged.”
Hong Kong has always been very free, even after the national security law. But mainlanders need a passport to go to Hong Kong from the mainland, even for tourism. Not to mention moving to Hong Kong.
Of course, as long as you have money and power, these are not a problem. This is the common point of socialist countries, “all animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others”

Thank you. It’s always very interesting to find out something new about foreign country.

Oh, sorry, I forgot to mention that Fujianese are not like this. Fujianese can go to any country in the world at will, without considering what I said above.
We call it “Pray to Mazu, get on the boat tonight” (:
So their visa rejection rate by the United States is particularly high. In fact, they don’t care, they just sneak across the border

I may be wrong, but aren’t we no more than a technical community devoted to our boring engineering details of censorship circumvention?

Big things start with small actions.

@xijinping are you still here? Do you recall how detection of tls-in-tls began in China? Were there any disruptive effects that took down entire .cn tld segments because they accidentally blocked https/443? What was the initial symptom in their crucade against mimicry protocols? Something has occured recently and people unsure what that was and are just guessing. I personally feel like it was an attempt at detecting tls-in-tls with collateral damage in the process.

Well, I clicked on your link and took a look.
tls-in-tls refers to the detection of bypassing the GFW protocol XTLS Vision, fixes TLS in TLS, to the star and beyond · XTLS/Xray-core · Discussion #1295 · GitHub, which has nothing to do with your current situation

Your current situation is more like the whitelist in Quanzhou, Fujian, China in 2022
GFW or TSPU’s current processing mechanism is domain blacklist mode, that is, there is a domain name blacklist, SNI blocking is performed on the domains in it, and domains not in it are released, which is relatively loose
But if it is a domain whitelist mode, that is, there is a domain name whitelist, then only the domains in the whitelist can be released, and the rest of the domains are blocked. So the whitelist is much stricter than the blacklist
The same is true for the ip whitelist

At that time, the time was very short, and we didn’t have time to figure out whether it was a simple domain whitelist, a combination of domain whitelist + IP whitelist, or other combinations. . . It ends

If it’s just domain whitelist, there is a solution, which is to “steal” the domain name, ShadowTLS - sing-box ,similar to reality

If it’s an IP whitelist, then there’s no hope, you can think of ways to CDN

You can search these keywords, Quanzhou whitelist or 泉州白名单, I won’t post the relevant links

If all methods fail, you can try Musk’s Starlink, but Russia is also a banned area Starlink | Availability Map

Sorry, I got a little impulsive.
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